We provide a list of superior protection services.

Our mission is to become the leaders in efficient water saving solutions with state of the art, cost effective technologies that will not only benefit our clients but also have a positive impact on our environment.

Data Logging

Our State of the art logger system sends actual data on a continuous basis and transmits it onto a graph so the user can identify and track all visible and invisible water leaks in his network at any time. It is also a helpful tool for effective and accurate water management and control.

Leak Detection

Our Data logging system will show any visible and/or invisible water leaks as soon as they appear. The leaks are detected one leak at a time, meaning that we will detect and locate all water leaks that may occur in your network and not just the one you thought you had. We also provide gas leak detection services.

Water Audits

Stopleak offers an easy to use solution for effective and accurate water management and control in any network; We indicate how much water is being consumed every hour of the day so you can measure the water usage of every action and show the best time for that action to be performed for example irrigation times and duration, costs of filling up the swimming pool etc..

Remote Water Metering

Stopleak can also supply data for individual water meters to managing agencies and metering companies for accurate water metering and billing.

We are in the process of developing an app that can be downloaded on any Cellphone or Tablet by the individual users. This App will allow the home owner to view his water usage every hour of the day so he can see exactly how much water is being consumed by every action, for example when watering the garden, using the washing machine or at bath time. The home owner is now able to determine where he can save on water consumption and also detect any possible water leaks while they are on holiday.